Deljeem Rai

Deljeem Rai
I first saw Deljeem’s work when he exhibited ‘Cearns’ at the Island Darkroom here in my home village of Achmore, immediately I was impressed as I was seeing a different side of ‘urban’ island life, rarely explored by artists on these islands. The Image of ‘John Ross’ stood out for me and I felt compelled to include it in the collection. Collecting art is such a personal thing and it seems artworks can sometimes choose you. The very next day I visited our local industrial suppliers in Stornoway and parked next to a familiar Morris Minor. A chance meeting inside the shop and an opportunity to say hello to Donald, one of Deljeem’s other ‘Cearns’ subjects would add another work to the collection.
The Cearns, is a project where Deljeem has been exploring the complexities not only of community life but also of his own identity. Growing up in Nepal and moving to Scotland as a teenager he has experienced the push and pull of a dual identity and this project has allowed him to explore his place here in Scotland, within an island community that has welcomed his family.
“My place here feels solid because at the end of the day I am a Cearnie.”
Deljeem Rai, originally from Nepal is currently studying photography at the City of Glasgow College. His work has gained significant recognition, including the British Journal of Photography Portrait of Britain Award in 2023 and 2024, and a finalist position in the Scottish Portrait Awards in 2023. His images have been exhibited across Scotland in notable galleries such as the Scottish Art Club in Edinburgh, Kirkcudbright Gallery in Dumfries and Galloway, and The Glasgow Art Club.